
Ingeborg Brüll

Ruth Deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
And then Uncle Rudolf - they were at Theresienstadt. And then they came back, thanks to my uncle's profession. He made various things for the bigwigs - he was a carpenter. And that was.... If he had refused... Rumour had it that they were to be sent away, to another camp, because my aunt was always sickly. You know, to one where they were gassed. So Uncle Rudolf did some carpenter's work for the bigwigs. His profession saved him. The Nazis wanted to get rid of my aunt because they didn't need people who couldn't do anything anymore. And then he said, when they told him they wanted to get rid of her, of Frau Brüll; Uncle Rudolf said: "If you get rid of my wife, then I'm going with her." So they didn't do it. That's what happened.